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18.0.0 released on 2018-02-09

Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 14:36
by gregober
* Updated French translations
* Scheduled action table refresh interval set to 10 secs
* Renamed "started" status of scheduled action to "triggered".
* Fixed premature closing existing RRD during import.
* Buttons for scheduled action details in logs - updated
* Buttons for scheduled action details in logs
* Added updating FQDN after config change.
* Added action ID for cancelled actions in log.
* Added action ID for scheduled actions.
* Added startedActionId in logs.
* Added logs and permission texts for scheduled actions
* Link to action in scheduled action details
* Introduced better check when requesting device updates.
* Made scheduled update not started if antilockout active for the device.
* Added rejecting device update request if the device has anti lockout active.
* Made setting device's OS version don't accept blank values.
* Swapped the button and field for scheduled update run.
* Added checks to prevent starting update when another one isn't finished.
* Date pre-selection fixed
* Updated schedule selection widget
* Link to started action
* Added better checks when accepting started action in schedulable action.
* Made logs of scheduled actions less verbose.
* Added user columns to scheduled actions tables
* Added including users in scheduled actions in JSON API.
* Fixed timezone handling
* More info in scheduled action details box
* Added status column to scheduled actions tables
* Improved margins of scheduled action.
* Added CANCELED status for scheduled actions.
* Added marking missed scheduled actions as MISSED.
* Fixed problem with momentjs timezones
* Changed scheduled action.
* Updated error handling for scheduled actions
* Scheduled actions table for device
* Cancelling scheduled actions
* Scheduled table DOM fixed
* More details in schedules actions table
* Scheduled actions table added
* Working scheduling upgrade action from devices details
* Working scheduling upgrade action from devices list
* Base widget for scheduled actions
* Better downloaded config filename
* Changed a bit wording for sorting notes.
* Renamed one permission to "License keys".
* Changed label to "Select all" when creating/editing a role.
* Better notes UI
* Notes are sorted by time
* Made close button for "Version update available" window work
* Change ScheduledActionsCreateRequest to contain set (not list) of device IDs.
* Added checking if the scheduledAt is a future timestamp.
* "Password visible" switch also in "device create" form
* Fixed typo in logging.
* Added JSON API for scheduled actions.
* Added starting scheduled actions when time comes.
* Added logging of creating and canceling scheduled actions.
* Added canceling/removing scheduled actions.
* Added deleting scheduled action when removing device.
* Added IDs of scheduled actions to response.
* Added placing scheduled actions.
* Fixed bug with version comparing
* Improved MalformedRrdImport exception.
* Added logging RRD commands.
* DynFi version checking after login
* Show/hide password switch added
* Select/deselect all for role forms
* Notes can be added to dashboard
* Fixed line wrapping for device notes
* Improved roles forms layout
* Improved L20n handling of untranslated strings
* Fixed rendering elements with the same ID
* Updating Rubix theme to 2.9.18
* Fixing one of TypeErrors
* Tests with newer React