DynFi Manager: Display UPLOAD Speed on System Status Dashboard

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DynFi Manager: Display UPLOAD Speed on System Status Dashboard

Post by ltcadmin » 23 Jul 2023, 18:47

It would be helpful to display the UPLOAD SPEED/traffic on the dashboard as well, rather than just download speed - many of our sites hosts applications/remote users via VPN, and unless site is on metro-e/DIA/Ethernet, in USofA Most connections are not symmetrical, have much lower up vs down speed. We also maintain a number of these devices in datacenter locations where upload monitoring/visualization is much more important than downloads.
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Re: DynFi Manager: Display UPLOAD Speed on System Status Dashboard

Post by gregober » 24 Jul 2023, 16:54

Interesting idea, we will see how we can implement this… 
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