DynFi Manager Third Party Softwares

List of all third party softwares used in DynFi Manager

Hereunder you will find the list of all third party software which are used by our DynFi Manager software.

Name URL Version License
Jersey jersey.github.io 2.26 CDDL 1.1 (jersey.github.io), GPLv2 (jersey.github.io)
Grizzly javaee.github.io 2.26 CDDL 1.1 (javaee.github.io), GPLv2(javaee.github.io)
Hibernate Validator hibernate.org 5.4.1.Final Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Paranamer github.com 2.8 BSD 3-clause (github.com)
Jackson github.com 2.9.1 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Guava github.com 23.2-jre Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Guice github.com 2.4.1 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Morphia github.com 1.3.2 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Project Lombok projectlombok.org 1.16.18 MIT (projectlombok.org)
Objenesis objenesis.org 2.6 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Jsch www.jcraft.com 0.1.54 Revised BSD (www.jcraft.com)
Apache Commons Lang commons.apache.org 3.6 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
jOOX github.com 1.5.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Apache Shiro shiro.apache.org 1.4.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
jBCrypt www.mindrot.org 0.4.1 ISC/BSD (www.mindrot.org)
Java JWT github.com 0.9.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
JadConfig github.com 0.13.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Airline 2 github.com 2.3.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
SLF4J www.slf4j.org 1.7.5 MIT (www.opensource.org)
Logback logback.qos.ch 1.2.3 EPL 2.1 (www.eclipse.org), LGPL (www.gnu.org)
Janino janino-compiler.github.io 3.0.7 new BSD License (raw.githubusercontent.com)
Apache Commons Email commons.apache.org 1.5 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
RRD4J github.com 3.2 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Mongobee github.com 0.13.0 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
crnk.io www.crnk.io 1.0.20170721162741 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Bouncy Castle www.bouncycastle.org 1.58 Bouncy Castle License (www.bouncycastle.org)
JPGPJ github.com 0.1.3 MIT (www.opensource.org)
Lanterna github.com 3.0.0 LGPL 3.0 (www.gnu.org)
REST-assured github.com 3.0.5 Apache License 2.0 (www.apache.org)
Hamcrest hamcrest.org 1.3.2 new BSD License (www.opensource.org)
Junit junit.org 4.12 EPL1.0 (www.eclipse.org)
Mockito site.mockito.org 2.12.0 MIT (github.com)