1. Getting started with DFM

DynFi Manager will help you manage your firewalls based on the pfSense® or the OPNsense® software. DynFi Manager is a non-intrusive system which allows you to centrally manage your devices.

This guide is here to help you maintain your devices with DynFi Manager in the best possible way.

1.1. Initial install for DynFi Manager On Premise

1.1.1. Installing the necessary software

In order to get started, you’ll need to download DynFi Manager and install it on your computer. Our software depends on Java™, you’ll need to have Java™ Runtime Environment ver. 11 or newer.

One of the available options is to find installation file matching your operating system at https://adoptopenjdk.net. For FreeBSD one can install package or port: https://www.freshports.org/java/openjdk11/.

MongoDB >= 3.4 is required too. Install guides for MongoDB could be found here:

Since our software is based on Java, you should be able to install it on any Unix - Linux - BSD system. Alternatively it should also work on Windows (but this might not be recommended).

If you would like to run DynFi Manager Manager on Ubuntu or Debian, you can follow the chapter Installing DFM on Ubuntu. However, it is also possible to run Dynfi Manager using other operating systems, as described in Running DFM on any OS. You can also refer to our blog post detailing install that’s available on our website.


DynFi Manager On Premise software can be downloaded and installed for free and will allow you to manage 1 to 3 devices – WITH COMPLETE SOFTWARE FEATURES


If you want to manage more than 3 devices, please consider subscribing to our offer.

1.1.2. Running the DynFi Manager software

DynFi Manager software relies heavily on network. In order to work in the best possible way, you need to have a reliable steady network stack. Ideally software will be deployed on a data-center or inside your organization’s computer room. Alternatively, it is perfectly possible to deploy It on good quality fiber optic link.

Simply keep in mind that polling requests will need a steady link.

All operations are run on top of SSH.

1.2. Initial install using DynFi Manager SaaS

Alternatively, you can use our SaaS instance. to ensure a high quality hosting of your DynFi Manager software. With SaaS instance DynFi Manager will be pre-installed and readily available for you.

A private IPv4 will be sent to you and allow you to directly access your DynFi Manager instances online.